Keith McGregor, PhD

Keith McGregor is the Director of Research in the Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Department in the School of Health Professions at UAB. He investigates the effects of physical activity on neural correlates of aging. His current projects use TMS, fMRI and DTI to investigate potential changes in neural function as a result of the regular engagement in cardiovascular training.

Keith received a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Psychology with a Biological Psychology concentration from the College of the Holy Cross in 1997. After collegiate graduation, he worked as a systems administrator for the Bernard Hodes Group and before re-entering academia in 2003.


Keith graduated from the University of Florida with a PhD in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience in 2010. He is interested in motor control and aging.


Keith has had multiple Federal grants from the VA Office of Rural Health, VA Innovations and Office of Rehabilitation Research and Development Service to study the effects of an exercise intervention on upper extremity control and applications to stroke rehabilitation.

Research Interests:
Aging; Motor control; Exercise; Cognition; fMRI; TMS; DTI; MRS; fMRS


E-mail: kmcgregor123456 at gmail .com

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Keith McGregor